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First Opinions

Last week we welcomed our first Peruvian girl Peaches (check out our Instagram @desnudo_peruvians for daily updates). We thought we would share some of our first opinions about the breed and our beautiful Peaches.

Peaches came to us all the way from Adelaide by plane and we picked her up from Brisbane airport last Wednesday. When we arrived at the Virgin airlines pet transport drop off/pick up we were anxious with anticipation about meeting our new little girl, the collection bay is tidy and in a large warehouse, bustling with transport vehicles and fork lifts. We had to wait for Peaches' plane to be unloaded for about 45 minutes. Peaches' was finally unloaded from the transport vehicle and her blue and white transport crate was placed in front of us. After taking a brief moment to sign paperwork the zip ties on her crate were cut free and we were able to say our first "hello".

Peaches was sat at the front of her crate looking out and carefully inspecting the new world around her. She was cautious but didn't seem overly frightened, this was inline with the typical behavior of Peruvians that we had researched and been told about. We carefully took the time to meet and great her but we were understanding that this beautiful girl had just had a very big journey and had already taken a lot in that day.

We started by letting her sniff our hands and attempted a gentle pat to which she gave us a very careful side eye. We have about a two hour drive home, so we set her up on the front passenger seat in her crate. She slept for most of the drive home but this was to be expected. We made sure that we gently spoke to her the whole ride home to allow her time to get used to us and our presence. She slowly inched closer and closer to the front of the crate and sniffed at our hands.

We eventually got home and set her on the grass in our back yard so she could have a chance to acclimate and go to the toilet. We were surprised by how quickly she attached to us, following us around the yard and coming to sit on our lap. She was cautious but keen to explore and get to know us more.

Her first night we put her to bed in her pen and we had some crying at first but she quickly soothed and slept through most of the night, however we had a very early morning the following day. Our first full day of Peaches was incredible, she was quiet but confident and moved in such a way that she seemed full grown. It was like we had always had her and she had always had us. She was immediately our shadow and fell perfectly into our lives.

Every day with her is incredible and she continuously surprises us with her grace and maturity for such a baby puppy. These dogs have such a unique presence and old souls, filled with wisdom, there is truly no other dog like them and this is something you won't understand or fully appreciate if you have never had the pleasure of meeting of meeting one. If you would like to keep up to date with Peaches and her upcoming show debut please follow us on Instagram @desnudo_peruvians

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